Talk into the Phone #7: 200% More Burps



Alex, what did you want to be when you grew up?


That’s going in the transcript.

Please! Oh my gosh, yes! I wanted to be a doctor, specifically I wanted to work in the ER and eventually do Doctors Without Borders with the long-term goal of eventually moving to Africa.

Why did you want to be a doctor?

I was obsessed with (the tv show) ER and I would record episodes and just watch it for days. I wanted to help people, and I was also intrigued by all the big words like Haldol and Adivan, I would say them to my mom all the time.

How did you find Agape/Ecclesia?

The first couple weeks of school, Sarah Harrington and I had met because we lived on the same floor. We’d both heard of Agape/Ecclesia at FaithFest and so we thought we’d check it out together. We went and we liked it and went again and again and didn’t stop, and now here we are!

What were your first impressions of the church?

I remember thinking “wow! These people talk about God a lot! They keep referring to him like he’s their friend and like they hang out with him.” I remember thinking that was pretty cool.

What continues to draw you in?

I couldn’t put my finger on it for like six months. Whenever I was with our community, there was something about it that felt special. I couldn’t figure out what it was, but whether I was at Tuesday Night Prayer or Agape or Ecclesia, there was this incredible sense of love, both an immense love for one another, and also this great love and reverence for God. Something about it was so attractive. Looking back, I think that was the Holy Spirit at work in our church. That’s what kept bringing me back.

Why are you a Christian?

One answer I could give is because that’s how I was raised and that’s what I grew up thinking and doing and being. I feel like the other part is that God chose me and called me and brought me out of sin and death, even when I didn’t know what that was and set me on this path and ever since realizing and recognizing that, I’ve wanted to keep going in that direction.

What draws you to Jesus?

I think the fact that I don’t have to be anyone but myself with Jesus- I can be real and who I am and I don’t have to impress him or gain his acceptance or approval, because he already loves me and approves of me, he’s created me, and I don’t have to work towards that; it’s just a relationship that’s already there. He just wants to love me and that’s pretty awesome.

What has God done for you that you couldn’t do for yourself?

I think God opened my eyes to the brokenness and messiness in my life. Whether it be personal struggles or family issues, he didn’t leave me alone to deal with those things. He came alongside of me and redeemed and restored those things. I never could have done that on my own, and I never would have imagined these things could be so reconciled.

What gives you hope?


I’ll take that. Do you have a book that you always tell people that they should read?

Okay people. You should all read KYLO. It is not a book about our apartment, but it’s “Keep Your Love On.” It talks about how to choose love and to keep love alive in relationship, whether it’s with your significant other, your family, or in our case, roommates. It very practically talks about loving each other, addressing conflict, communication. This book was very eye-opening and helpful.

Any parting words?

Don’t be afraid of being wrong. Don’t be afraid of not having it all together. You’re not perfect and you weren’t supposed to be. We are all broken and messy and God has redeemed us in that. We don’t have to figure that out alone, but he’s blessed us with this amazing community. When you come with your walls down and your arms open to receive, it is amazing what God will do for you and what God will show you.


I like to burp.

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